Hello there! Okay, so here's the deal. I am writing a book- yep a real live book. The idea is to address issues that you think about and worry over. However, I want to be frank, truthful, and direct- no fluffy subtle suggestions for me! That being said, the only way the book is useful is if it talks about the things you are wondering about- soooooooooooo...
I need you to do me a favor (or two). First, down below where it says "comments" please click on that and tell me what kinds of things you wish were addressed more: i.e. sex, boys, relationships, jealousy, etc. Be as specific or as vague as you want- just let me know what you're thinking.
Second, how about joining me for a twice monthly Bible study? I'm thinking a Monday evening twice a month for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. The first meeting I am hoping can be a brainstorming session where we just talk about things you want to talk about. From there, I'll do the rest! Bring as many friends as you want- they don't have to be students of the Academy, any girl you think would be interested is welcome.
We'll eat snacks or order pizza; talk about life and such and pray. We'll use the blog for homebase - I'll pray for a meeting place that is centrally located (If you think your parents wouldn't mind us using your playroom- let me know- I'd love to find a place to meet. But- we can meet at my house- it's just that we live on the outskirts of Franklin and it might not be the most convenient) We'll shoot for Monday, September 29 as our first meeting- we can aim for 6-6:30 as a start time and we'll wrap up by 8:00.
Think about it and please, please, please give me some topics to study! Just click on comments and go to it! Be honest- no judging going on- just wanting some accurate information. I so hope you'll come hang out!
It's moving day!
15 years ago
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